Multi sensory Christmas writing - Hot Chocolate
Let children enjoy a (not too) hot chocolate and record their experience on the palette of words planning sheet, using their senses of smell, sight, taste and touch. Then help the children create a paragraph of writing using their plan!
This pack includes:
Palette of words to record multi sensory phrases and help plan and formulate ideas.
Four writing frames to publish hot chocolate writing.
This planning grid allows learners to prepare, annotate, edit and develop ideas before writing a longer piece.
Worried about differentiation? Try:
using the grids as a word sorting game,
mixed ability groups,
small groups with alternate lead writers,
reviewing/editing and “magpie-ing”/idea sharing words from each other – and doing so in a different colour!
Ready to print and teach!
#planning #writing #apply #hotchoc #hotchocolate #sensorywriting #christmas #winter #decode #ks1 #ks2
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
New Year Goal Writing
Twelve Days of Christmas Poem odd one out (reading and reasoning)
A complete step by step experiment to guide learners through an investigation into how plants grow and the life cycle of plants.
This packet includes every activity that is needed and explores prediction, instruction writing, testing, collecting data, interpreting data and working scientifically.
Activities in this 11 page science packet for kids aged 4-7, include:
Vocabulary to use
read and write relevant words
prediction for what may to the seeds and what may affect their growth
a list of equipment that may or may not be needed. This job is to read and cross out the ones they did not use.
Writing frame for step by step instructions to complete the experiment
pictogram grid for learners to represent class/group data
observation pages where learners can record visually and in written sentences.
observation page for the final record of the experiment.
a worksheet to complete conclusions, evaluations and assess how an experiment could be improved in the future.
an application of “what we have learned” hypothetical activity that allows deeper understanding and a space for children to show off their new knowledge.
Label the plant
This experiment teaches how to use Scientific Vocabulary, Investigate, Predict, Observe, Record, Conclude, Collect and Use Data and Work scientifically.
Ready to print and teach!
#experiment #science #bean #grow #plant #lifecycle #beaninabag #plan #vocab #investgate #keystage1 #ks1
Also available in Store:
Float and sink Pirates themed Science Experiment
Read and Draw a flower
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal WritingChristmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Christmas Science Candy Cane Experiment
A complete step by step experiment to guide learners through an investigation into dissolving and working scientifically.
This experiment teaches how to:
•Work scientifically
AND learn scientific vocabulary.
Ready to print and teach!
#christmas #science #candycane #vocab #investigate #ks1 #experiment #scienceexperiment
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
Twelve Days of Christmas Poem odd one out (reading and reasoning)
A pick and mix board of Christmas themed literacy activities to keep the kids busy (and those writing skills on point too) through the festive season!
Use for:
home learning
early finishers
literacy centers
Includes full Colour and Black and White versions.
Ready to print and use!
#reading #apply #christmas #holidays #letter #writing #literacy #homelearning #pickamix #ks1 #ks2 #primary #challenges
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
A pick and mix choice board of St Patrick’s Day themed English activities that can be used
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Includes full colour and Black and White versions.
Now includes 8 colour and 8 black and white St Patrick’s themed writing papers with two different line sizes.
Ready to print and use!
#reading #apply #stpatrick #ireland #march #saintday #holidays #letter #writing #literacy #homelearning #pickamix #ks1 #ks2 #primary #challenges
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
A pick and mix choice board of Winter themed literacy activities that can be used
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Includes full colour and Black and White versions.
Ready to print and use!
#reading #apply #winter #holidays #letter #writing #literacy #homelearning #pickamix #ks1 #ks2 #primary #challenges
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
A pick and mix choice board for Valentines Day and Love themed English activities that can be used
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Includes full colour and Black and White versions.
Now includes 8 colour and 8 black and white Valentine’s themed writing papers with two different line sizes.
Ready to print and use!
#reading #apply #stvalentine #love #february #valentines #saintday #holidays #letter #writing #literacy #homelearning #pickamix #ks1 #ks2 #primary #challenges
#Christmas #Science Bundle
2 Science Experiments perfect for young learners in the classroom, at home, or distance learning!
Candy Cane Dissolving in Liquids Experiment
A complete step by step experiment to guide learners through an investigation into dissolving and working scientifically.
Christmas Jumper Design and Suitable Material Investigation
Children will be encouraged to test and examine a variety of materials to see suitability for a garment, select and design their own!
Both experiments teach learners how to:
•Work scientifically
And learn scientific vocabulary.
ready to print and teach!
#christmas #science #candycane #vocab #investigate #ks1 #experiment #scienceexperiment
Also available individually!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
Twelve Days of Christmas Poem odd one out (reading and reasoning)
Back to School Ready
An entire year of planning that covers every aspect of the Early Years Foundation Stage across the year.
These can easily be adapted to the Pre-K and Kindergarten classroom.
Six Topics are outlined in detail and cover
Communication and Language
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development (both fine and gross motor skills)
Maths (Number and Space Shape Measure)
Literacy (reading and writing)
Expressive Arts and Design (Art, DT, Craft, Dance, Drama)
Understanding of the World (Science, ICT, RE, Geography, History)
Role play area and parent engagement!
Plus - Full colour and Black and White versions
Ready to use!
Also available in Store:
Number bonds to 10 using Numicon
Addition within 10 using Numicon numberline
Subtraction within 10 using Numicon numberline
Prepositions: on, in, under, behind
Colour by 2D shape
2d Shape 4 mixed activities
Halves and Doubles within 20 - Spaced theme
Maths word searches
Multiples of - Mixed Activities for 2s-12s
Morning meeting ice breakers
Perfect for a welcoming morning activity, encouraging speaking and listening skills and getting to know each other better. This packet includes 180 questions, would you rather choices, descriptions and more!
Try them as a way to make taking the register more engaging and activate reasoning skills before the session starts in earnest!
Can be used:
in person,
on a trip,
at home,
summer school,
as a supply teacher,
to support speech development
and more!
Includes colour and black and white versions.
Simply print double sided, cut and use.
Top Tip:
Print double sided so that students pick blind!
#reading #register #icebreaker #morningmeeting #question #wouldyourather #tellme
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches
Four pick and mix choice boards of Season themed literacy activities that can be used
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Includes full colour and Black and White versions and multiple pages of themed writing paper for each season
Ready to print (or type) and use!
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches
A pick and mix choice board of Holiday themed literacy activities that can be used:
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Holidays included:
Valentines Day
St Patrick’s Day
Includes full colour and Black and White versions and multiple pages of themed writing paper for each season.
Ready to print (or type) and use!
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches
A cross-curricular Christmas themed set of resources fully prepped and ready to use in the Classroom - just print and go!
hot chocolate sensory writing
12 days of Christmas 8 mixed literacy activities such as wordsearches, spot the expanded noun phrases, odd one out reasoning, modern version rewrite and write a thank you letter
Christmas writing challenge pick-a-mix
Read and Draw a Snowman
New Year Goals writing activity
Winter writing challenge pick-a-mix
All with full Colour and Black and White versions.
Also available in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
Christmas is a busy time of year, especially in Primary school. This packet will save you so much precious time during this season.
A cross-curricular set of Christmas themed resources fully prepped and ready to use in the Classroom - just print and go!
hot chocolate sensory writing
candy canes dissolving in liquid - science
12 days of Christmas 8 mixed literacy activities such as wordsearches, spot the expanded noun phrases, odd one out reasoning, modern version rewrite and write a thank you letter
Christmas writing challenge pick-a-mix
Design a Christmas jumper (DT) and choose a suitable material (science)
All with full Colour and Black and White versions.
#writing #reading #apply #christmas #12days #wordsearch #vocab #keyword #challenge #literacy #science #bundle #candycane
Also available separately in store!
Christmas Science - design a jumper
Christmas Science - Candy Canes in Liquid
Christmas Science bundle
Read and draw a snowman
Multi-sensory Hot Chocolate Writing task
New Year Goal Writing
A pick and mix choice board of Holiday and Seasons themed literacy activities that can be used
at home
in class
and is easily differentiated by outcome!
Seasons included: Autumn/Fall (both versions in the same resource), Winter, Spring and Summer
Holidays included:
Valentines Day
St Patrick’s Day
Includes full colour and Black and White versions and multiple pages of themed writing paper for each board.
Ready to print (or type) and use!
Also available in Store:
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches
Back to School can be a frantic time for educators! You need to set up your classroom and make it welcoming, assess the kids in record time, teach independence, get to know the new class - to name a few tasks!
This bundle comprises 12 no prep Bestsellers from Classroom posters to assessment records and first week back activities.
Click on each to see full listings and preview the resources.
Also available sold individually in Store:
Like this resource? Try…
Homophone of the Day PLUS mixed activities: KS1
Hard and Soft C and G
Number Posters 0 to 20
Key Stage One Common Exception Word Wordsearches